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Environment Classes

These classes providing various global services to your application such as event handling, access to system settings, internationalization, etc.

QDesktopWidgetAccess to screen information on multi-head systems
QEventThe base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
QFontDatabaseInformation about the fonts available in the underlying window system
QMimeSourceFactoryExtensible provider of mime-typed data
QMutexAccess serialization between threads
QPixmapCacheApplication-global cache for pixmaps
QSemaphoreRobust integer semaphore
QSessionManagerAccess to the session manager
QThreadPlatform-independent threads
QTranslatorInternationalization support for text output
QTranslatorMessageTranslator message and its properties
QWaitConditionAllows waiting/waking for conditions between threads

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Qt version 3.0.3